Water Lead Testing

The commissioners of health and education shall jointly develop a model plan to require school districts to accurately and efficiently test for the presence of lead in water in public school buildings serving students in kindergarten through grade 12. To the extent possible, the commissioners shall base the plan on the standards established by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. The plan may be based on the technical guidance in the Department of Health's document, "Reducing Lead in Drinking Water: A Technical Guidance for Minnesota's School and Child Care Facilities."

School plans.
Great River School has adopted the commissioners' model plan to test for the presence of lead accurately and efficiently in water in school buildings serving prekindergarten students and students in kindergarten through grade 12. 

Frequency of testing.
(a) Great River school facilities should undergo testing for the quality of drinking water at intervals of no more than five years to guarantee its high quality. 
(b) In the event that lead contamination is detected at a particular site responsible for providing cooking or drinking water, the facility will promptly cease the water supply or render it inaccessible until the hazard is effectively mitigated.

Reporting. If a test conducted under, paragraph (a), reveals the presence of lead above a level where action should be taken as set by the guidance, the school must, within 30 days of receiving the test result, either remediate the presence of lead to below the level set in guidance, verified by retest or directly notify parents of the test result. The school district or charter school must make the water source unavailable until the hazard has been minimized. Test results will be displayed and archived on our website. You may access the results by clicking the link below.

Lead Testing Results

GRS Lead Testing Results 2023
Water was collected for testing on November 15th. We used Legend Technical Services, LLC, an accredited laboratory, for our testing. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has an action level set for lead in drinking water at 15 parts per billion (ppb). A total of 30 samples were collected from sinks and drinking fountains and all 30 samples had levels of lead less than 15 ppb.

GRS Lead Testing Results - November 2023


Main Contact: Director of Administration
If you have any questions about the Lead Testing Policy or our testing results, please reach out to skreger@greatriverschool.org.