iRace 2018

Thank you so much to all of our volunteers and staff that made iRace 2018 such an incredibly smashing success! With this year’s inclusion of new “Storytelling” sessions, engaging workshops, and a scrumptiously large pot-luck, iRace 2018 was definitely a meaningful and memorable event for all students. iRace sets out to break down boundaries and allow for conversations to happen between students and people of all backgrounds, and this year the iRace team believes that we successfully accomplished our goal, and created a wonderful and engaging experience. We hope to see you all next year! 

-iRace student team

iRace student organizers Jack Spicer, Estefany Enriquez, and Britney Thao

iRace student organizers Jack Spicer, Estefany Enriquez, and Britney Thao

Keynote speaker Hanadi Chehabeddine speaks to a group of students about fighting fear and ignorance. 

Keynote speaker Hanadi Chehabeddine speaks to a group of students about fighting fear and ignorance. 

Workshop facilitator Noel Gordon speaks to a room of GRS students

Workshop facilitator Noel Gordon speaks to a room of GRS students