Thank You Parent Volunteers! Volunteer Morning & Harvest Fest Pictures

We are grateful to our parent volunteers for helping us build a community-minded school!

Volunteer Morning - October 2nd

written by Brent Cummins, Outdoor Education Director
On October 2nd, we had over 40 volunteers (adults and students) spend their Saturday morning making our outdoor spaces beautiful, more useful, and sustainable.

Here are the things we got accomplished in just 3 hours:

  • Installed new mural in garden painted by students and Juxtaposition Arts

  • Built and installed Octagonal Bench for community meetings and workshops

  • Installed donated round metal tables in the Zen Garden

  • Moved picnic tables for lunch

  • Put landscape cloth down and spread woodchip pile

  • Trimmed the crabapple tree

  • Picked up trash

  • Weeded the garden areas

Thank you to all that gave their time and talents for our community!

Harvest Fest - October 16th

On October 16th, we hosted our annual Harvest Fest on campus. Community members had the chance to listen to some amazing student musicians, along with local singer/songwriter Mayyadda on our Outdoor Coffeehouse stage. Families and students had their pick from fun fall activities like apple cider-pressing, leaf crown or bird feeder making, body art stations, and of course, our traditional community stone soup.

Thank you to the many volunteers who made this event such a success!