December 2023 Head of School Message

written by David Núñez, Head of School

Dear Great River Community,

As we approach the end of the calendar year, it is with great pleasure that I share some exciting updates within our school community. November was a month filled with accomplishment, and I am eager to highlight the positive strides we've made together.

1. New Strategic Plan on the Horizon:

I am thrilled to share that our new strategic plan is nearing completion and is on the cusp of board approval. This comprehensive roadmap will guide us in shaping the future of Great River, ensuring that we continue to provide an outstanding educational experience for our students. The Board, the Strategic Planning Committee, and the school’s Leadership Team, has put a tremendous amount of work into this over the last year and a half.  The entire staff has been given the chance to give input.  Now, I would like to invite you all, students, staff and families to participate, as your input and engagement in this process is invaluable.  Please click here to read the draft of the plan and feel free to write to me with any feedback at with the subject line “Strategic Plan Feedback.”

I look forward to the positive impact our strategic plan will have on the entire school community for years to come.

2. Student Success and Well-Being:

I am delighted to share that our students are thriving in numerous ways. As I walk around the building I see true engagement.  In fact, our authorizer (the organization that authorizes our charter contract) visited for their Fall walk-through two weeks ago and spent a morning in different classrooms and hallways around the building.  They gave us a spectacular review, and here is what they tell us they saw specifically:

“We observed guides:

  • guiding students (“What I would like to see is…”)

  • reinforcing work and assuring students (“This is hard work, and it will take a while to understand…”)

  • guiding students through a process when students are frustrated (“Take a couple deep breaths and when ready take a look at it again…” and “Take deep breaths. Take a moment. Start again…”)

  • engaging students in small group instruction

  • guiding interaction with the learning tools (“Look again. What do you see? This will help you see the pattern…” “This is what you know. From that, what can you figure out?”)

  • prioritizing understanding over answers (“What is the math behind 34? Not what does it equal, but how do you get there?”) 

  • quietly coming alongside students to observe their work and engaging as student needed

  • not interrupting students and waiting for the right time to engage with them monitoring the freedom and responsibility balance

  • honoring student autonomy (“Are you available for me to show you something?”)

We observed students: 

  • engaged in work and respecting that other students are as well (ex. a student asked another, “Are you in a lesson?” before engaging with the other student)

  • helping each other and asking for help from each other and the guides (“This makes no sense to me. Will you help me?”)

  • collaborating in a variety of works (map, math activities, crochet, …)

  • using all spaces as learning spaces (hallway, outdoors, etc…)

  • reading and writing independently,

  • moving as needed to do their work,

  • displaying their purposeful work on the walls (cubby checklist written by student, alumni gifts of artwork…)

  • not interfering or disrupting other students’ works,

  • having freedom and being responsible

3. Successful Fall Fund Drive:

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to our generous and supportive community for the tremendous success of our Fall fund drive. Your contributions have a direct impact on enhancing the educational experience we provide at Great River. Thanks to your generosity, we are able to invest in resources, programs, and opportunities that empower our students to reach their full potential.

4. Celebrating Native American History Month:

In November, we celebrated Native American History Month at Great River.  It is crucial to recognize and honor the rich cultural heritage of Native American communities, and our school took this opportunity to foster understanding, appreciation, and respect. Through education and celebration, we strive to create an inclusive environment at Great River.

As we reflect on 2023, I want to express my gratitude for the collective effort and commitment that defines our school community. Everyone’s dedication to our students and their success is truly commendable, and I look forward to continuing this journey together.

Wishing you all a joyful new year.

